- Benjamin of Tudela was a Jew
- one of his reasons for traveling was to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem
- once a week, he would have a day of rest
- because he was a Jew, wherever he visited he was welcomed by the Jewish community there
- this made his travels easier, he didn’t have to worry about where he was sleeping
- Baghdad was the farthest place from Tudela he traveled to
- Islam is the major religion there
- because of that there were many mosques in the city
- it was the capital of the Abbasid empire
- a major part of the day for everyone there was praying
- they needed to do it five times a day (when they wake up, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and when they go to bed)
- another major part of Islam is the belief in one god
- another is giving some of your possessions to charity
- Muslims believe that all things belong to god anyway, so why not give some of it away
- people would go on the Hajj
- the Hajj is a religious pilgrimage to Mecca
- when Benjamin of Tudela encountered other religions, it was most likely in a sheltered way
- most of the time, as mentioned before, he stayed with Jews
- when he did encounter other religions, he probably would be fascinated by it,
- he is a very curious person (he traveled all over the Mediterranean for a good part of his life)

Name: Goldenlox
Origin of Name: the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Interesting Facts: he does not like burnt or undercooked fish, he does like lamb, and he does not actually exist
Goldenlox of Tudela arrived in Rome a few days after Benjamin of Tudela arrived. Benjamin recognized him because of his flowing golden locks of hair by the Tiber River. They had both been born around 1135 and grew up together. Benjamin showed him around the city. At night they were welcomed by the Jewish community (both Goldenlox and Benjamin were Jewish) and stayed with a rabbi. They had some delicious lamb for dinner (Goldenlox’s favorite food). The next day, they went to a palace and wandered around for a while with Benjamin of Tudela taking notes on everything he saw. Goldenlox of Tudela was about to continue on his pilgrimage to Jerusalem where they planned to meet up once more, but on the way to collect their stuff from the Rabbi’s house, Goldenlox of Tudela decided to accompany Benjamin of Tudela on his travels. On their boat ride, Goldenlox was constantly complaining about how much fish he had to eat. It was even worse when one day he had an undercooked fish. Goldenlox of Tudela immediately went to the edge of the deck and spit it out. He then stomped over to the Chef, and demanded a another fish. This one was burnt so badly it was like eating a chunk of ash. He threw that over the side. Then Goldenlox saw a perfectly cooked fish, but it was the captain’s, so he didn’t eat it.
When they finally arrived in Jerusalem, many days had past since the fish incident and Goldenlox was still in a bad mood. He soon became happy when he looked around at Jerusalem, the place he had wanted to go to for so long. He was so happy. he helped Benjamin of Tudela take boring notes on everything from the gates of the city, to the geography and history of it.
When both of them were done with their journies and back in Spain, they lived happily ever after (without any bad fish, and lots of good lamb).
Tip: Click on Jerusalem and Constantinople to see more info